For the past year we have been working like busy bees to make Mary's wedding beautiful and perfect. It has been our testing ground for our future plans to design lovely weddings for all brides. Check out our process.
Ice Cream Social learns how to screen print! Our trusty friend Dan, gave us a tutorial on screen printing. Thanks to Dan we learned how to create these awesome welcome bags for Mary's guests at the wedding!
and voila! The final product.
Everyone received buttons to wear for free welcome drinks. Sweet!
Check out some of the hot summer cards we are sporting. Wanna see more...take a look at our etsy store: www.icecreamsocialpaper.etsy.com.
Ice Cream Social was so honored when Etsy asked us if we would like to come and hang out under there tent and sell some cards at the Brooklyn Flea. It was a frigid April day, but none the less people came out in droves to support there flea urges. We met lots of great people and sold lots of cards. Here is a short video Etsy made from the flea, that features Ice Cream Social.
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